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The streaming experience
How to add a widget ?
How to leave a duo or a family ?
What happens if I cancel my family plan?
What is Qobuz Duo / Family?
How do I cancel my subscription?
Can I import my favourites and playlists from another platform?
How can I sort my favourites?
Qobuz apps
How do I renew my subscription?
How do I add music to my favourites?
If it is a free trial period, why have I been asked for my bank information?
Do I need a good internet connection to stream in Hi-Res?
Is there a minimum commitment to the subscription?
How do I create a collaborative playlist?
How do I delete the music available offline?
Can I get a free trial period to experience Qobuz streaming?
How can I share a playlist?
How much music can I listen to and manage offline?
How can I subscribe to a Duo or Family plan?
How do I change my subscription offer?
How do I stream in Hi-Res?
What is in the streaming catalogue?
How many songs can I add to my playlist?
In what quality can I listen to music in offline playback?
What is streaming on Qobuz?
The Streaming Subscription Offers
How do I create a playlist?
Is it possible to listen to music without internet connection?
I cannot stream in my desired quality
How do I activate or deactivate Autoplay ?